Are You Lost In Mid-Life Career Transitions?

This article will provide you with increased insight into the world of experienced people who want or need to re-enter the employment rat race. It is aiming to provide guidance for career coaches/counselors but is just as useful if you yourself are lost in transition'. Sometimes mid-life career changers may be overlooked when we consider the need for career guidance and counseling.

If you are looking for career guidance and a consultant, then you can visit

Rewarding career: Five ways to build a rewarding career - The Economic Times

However, the changing world of work, as well as economic reasons, have forced many people to search for jobs. We will discuss how career counseling can assist and what additional services we can offer

We are going to explore some of the differences between career advising for young people and mid-life career changers who are people with lived experience. Why do people seek help from career advisers? Some of the subjects about which people approach career advisers:

  • Information about possibilities
  • Pointers to the future of a particular area of work
  • Referral to a particular scheme, course or employer
  • Tips on presenting themselves in person and in writing
  • Guidelines on what action to take and when
  • To check out that they are on the right lines and are taking a sensible approach
  • To get help to see what they might like to do
  • Encouragement to keep on trying
  • Motivation to burst through barriers
  • The confidence to aim high and to success
  • To answer the question: Where am I going in my life?

Most people feel a bit scared and can feel very vulnerable when they have to ask for help. (Think of visiting a doctor or dentist) Even if the matter in question is not personal, it can feel a little humiliation to ask for help because it means admitting that you don't have all the answers about your life.

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