What Exactly Is 3D Product Modeling?

3D product modeling refers to the digital mathematical representation of a three-dimensional entity using specialized software. The model developed using this computer graphics technique is the closest one can get to visualizing the actual product. 3D models can be created using Computer-Aided Design (CAD). CAD software help in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design on a computer system. For example, if one is designing a 3D cube using CAD, it’s important to first design a sketch. A sketch is a basic outline of what the model is going to look like. One has to know and establish at this stage the length and width of the cube.

In essence, 3D modeling is a blend of science, mathematics, geometry, and design. There are two primary types of 3D product modeling:

  • CAD (Computer-Aided Design)

  • 3D Mesh Models

Industries and applications

Wondering which industries use 3D modeling and how? 3D product modeling is widely employed by businesses across a variety of domains, including the following:

  • Industrial design

  • Medical

  • Architecture

  • Technology

  • Manufacturing

  • Furniture

  • eCommerce

  • Construction

  • Electronics

  • Retail 

Benefits of 3D product modeling for businesses

In terms of the uses and advantages of 3D product modeling, this modeling technique is preferred by a range of enterprises since it allows them to:

  • Enhance the product development process

  • Create rapid prototypes within no time

  • Make realistic models that mirror the actual products

  • Achieve precise and accurate 3D models of their products

  • Give customers a 360-degree view of the product

  • Make project planning and approval more effective and value-driven

  • Remodel their products, make changes and test various versions easily

  • Test product prototypes in a cost-efficient manner

  • Market their products online and offline using 3D models


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Overlooked Benefits Of 3D printing

Not all products can be 3D printed. Nor should they be. Why? Because 3D printing will never rival the economies of scale found in mass-produced commodities.

That said, year on year, 3d modeling agency is becoming more capable. It can meet the needs of more applications more reliably. The opportunity now exists to simplify your supply chain by creating in-house 3D printed end-use and spare parts. 

Huge savings for simplified supply chains

It’s not uncommon for us to mention the ROI of 3D printing compared to outsourcing. What’s not so frequently mentioned are the hidden savings gained from supply chain simplification. Below are five examples of how 3D printing can generate even more returns on your investment:

Transport costs

If your business still runs the logistical gauntlet of producing and shipping spare or slow-moving parts from overseas, then there are some easy savings to be made. This research suggests that by installing a 3D printer in your warehouse for on-demand part manufacture, you could save up to 85% on shipping costs.

Storage and warehousing

By consolidating your slow-moving and excess inventory to free up warehouse space, the same research suggests you can save up to 17% on storage. And that’s not to mention the extra time saved by not having to check and rationalize that inventory cycle stock and safety stock. Plus, you can avoid any stockout costs because parts are printed to match demand.

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Principles For Successful 3D Animation In Malaysia

There are various guidelines to consider in the production of audiovisual content to ensure its success. Quality and photorealistic Animations- Creating a quality 3D animation is crucial to giving it a photorealistic feel which brings it to life.

This requires more detail, attention to lighting and the use of realistic materials, and even adding reflections to the object's surface. You can click to read more here to know more about 3D animation.

Anticipation – This principle helps the viewer to expect movement before it even occurs, for example, the heel of the figure's foot presses the ground before taking a step. Anticipation helps prevent excessive robot animation of audiovisual content.

Image Source: Google

Overkill – This is used in animation to give the character more energy. For example, exaggeration can be used in poses to draw attention to what the character is doing.

Staging – With this principle, objects and characters are placed in the video. Help the audience understand the story and the role of the characters in it. This includes dubbing, tuning, and cinematography.

Timing – Timing is very important because it determines how fast images move and how long they last in an animated video. Speeding things up can help create a feeling of being energized, light, or fast. Slowing down a little gives the impression of gravity, mass, and adds weight to the image.

Solid Drawing – This is the principle used to make a drawing appear three-dimensional even though it is made on a two-dimensional surface. This principle gives the image weight, balance, and depth.

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