How to Create a Rental Lease Agreement Tailored To Your Needs In Melbourne

The lease regulates the rights and obligations of both the owner and the lessee. This is governed by landlord and tenant laws, specific to the province or state in which the tenant is renting. To conclude a Zero-Hassle Leasing Service, you must understand local landlord and tenant laws. 

As the owner, you should review each clause in the agreement to make sure it meets your needs. You can create your own rental agreement with clauses that are important to you based on the standard version. Since the agreement is between you and your tenant, you define the terms and conditions that must be agreed with your tenant.

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In addition to the terms found in most standard rental agreements, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating your own rental agreement:

1) The agreement stipulates that rental payments must be made by check at a later date, so no monthly rent collection is required. It is recommended that you set the first day of each month as the payment date for your convenience.

2) When renting a single, double or multi-family home, you can include a clause stating that the tenant is responsible for snow removal, garbage collection, and lawn mowing. This clause frees you from these routine tasks.

3) To avoid confusion when moving, you can have a clause that the tenant must clean the apartment/house and dispose of all trash and personal belongings according to the checklist for moving out of the property. If the tenant does not do this, the costs resulting from the cleaning will be charged to the landlord.

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