The Basic Elements of Garden Landscaping Design

It is important to learn the basic elements of garden design and apply them when designing a garden. By recognizing the five elements of landscape design, gardeners can create a visually appealing and organized garden.

The first element of garden design is its shape. Shape is defined as the shape of something. For example, a tree might have a shape that includes upright branches like a pine tree. Or it could be dropping like a mulberry tree. The garden landscape professionals make an arrangement of plants by considering their shape carefully to give a unified garden feel.

The second element of garden design is line. The line refers to the fact that the movement of the human eye is subconsciously guided by the boundaries of the garden, the arrangement and outlines of plants and other structures. This is especially useful when gardeners want to highlight a particular moment in their garden. Crop lines can direct eye movement precisely to this area.

The third element of garden design is texture. Texture refers to how a plant's surface is distinguished and viewed in relation to the plant and other objects around it. Viewers usually get a feel for a plant's texture by judging the size and shape of its leaves.

The fourth element is proportion. A prerequisite is that the plant sizes and structures in the garden harmoniously fit into the overall landscape. A disproportionate garden disturbs the landscape because the heights and sizes of plants and objects do not provide a smooth transition. A good transition refers to a gradual change in the size or height of an object.

The final element of garden design is color theory. Color theory is the relationship between one color and another. Experienced gardeners use color theory to create unity or contrast in their gardens.

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