How A Magic Show Can Transform Your School Library

A magic show can be a great way to add some excitement to your school library. Not only are they entertaining, but they can also help promote reading and literacy. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of a magic show:

1. Choose a reputable company that specializes in school libraries. There are many library magical concerts out there that make a great show, but not all of them are created equal. Do your research and read reviews before booking anyone.

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2. Work with the magician to come up with a theme that ties into your library's mission and goals. A good magic show should be more than just entertainment; it should also have a message that you want your students to take away with them.

3. Promote the event ahead of time and make sure you get plenty of publicity. The more people who know about the show, the better! Send out flyers, post on social media, and do whatever else you can to get the word out.

4. Make sure you have enough seating for everyone who wants to attend. Nothing is worse than having to turn people away because there isn't enough space. If possible, set up chairs in advance so that everyone has a seat when they arrive.

5. Have fun! A magic show is supposed to be enjoyable for both kids and adults alike. Don't be

Here are some of the benefits of hosting a magic show in your school library:

1. They're Entertaining: Magic shows are always entertaining, no matter what age group they're aimed at. This makes them the perfect way to get kids interested in visiting the library and spending time there.

2. They're Educational: Many magic shows include educational elements that can teach kids about things like history, science, and math.

3. They Can Inspire a Love of Reading: Magic often relies on books as props or source material. This can inspire kids to check out books from the library and start reading them on their own.

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