Blurred Vision in Eyes May Lead To Blindness

Today, many people, young or old, are burdened with blurred vision in their eyes that can be caused by damage to their eyes or due to diseases like diabetes or glaucoma that cause their worst vision. The blurred vision should not be ignored, as it can worsen if left untreated and can be a symptom of a disease that must be treated before blindness occurs.

What Causes Blurred Vision and Blindness?

Blurred vision is the inability to see the small details of our surroundings. Usually, blurred vision is the cause of eye disease. The eye defect can get worse over time and affect your quality of life and, worse, your confidence level.  If you are looking for the best Elmiron lawsuits in Seattle visit

Blurred vision can be the result of the following:

Glaucoma. This is a disease in which our optic nerve is damaged. It leads to irreversible and progressive vision loss. Most of the time, glaucoma is associated with an increase in the pressure of the fluid in the eye that damages some parts of our eye.

It causes damage to our nerves that involves the loss of ganglion cells from the retina in a characteristic pattern. Elevated pressure in our eyes is a major risk factor in the development of glaucoma. In this case, one person can develop nerve damage at relatively low pressure, while another person can have high eye pressure for years and yet never develop damage.

If glaucoma is not treated, it can cause permanent damage to our optic nerve and cause visual field loss, which if worse, can lead to blindness. It can be treated with surgery or medication.

Waterfall. This eye problem is an opacity that blocks the passage of light to the lens of the eye, causing blurred vision and, in the worst case, can lead to blindness.


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