Dealing With Dry Eye Irritation

Complaints often that optometrists will find are about dry eye irritation. Many people have this problem to the extent that they will seek help from a doctor or eye specialist. The problem starts with a problem with the tear or tear ducts and is known as dry eye syndrome. 

If you want to know more about dry eyes and the problems associated with it, you may visit


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Typical symptoms

Dry eye irritation is usually a burning or stinging sensation. Eyes can become itchy and felt itchy when it moves under the eyelid. Irritation can be initiated by environmental conditions such as air pollution or exposure to adverse weather conditions such as wind and storms. Irritation can also be caused by some obstruction on the surface of the eye such as contact lens wear.

It may sound like a contradiction, but another sign of dry eyes can become watery eyes. The surface of the eye is kept moist by the tear ducts. It can overwhelm your eye drainage system causing watery eyes and irritation.

Treating Dry Eye

Using eye drops is the first treatment that one can try. It does not solve the entire problem but provides relief for dry eye. However, if dry eyes persist then it is probably a good idea to see your doctor.

Being exposed to dry or smoky environments will cause dry eyes. If your eyes are sensitive to this, then avoid the places where these conditions are prevalent. Many of the bars may have smoky and windy conditions that can dry the eyes. By placing a humidifier in your home, you can relieve dry eyes. A humidifier puts water into the air and clears the smoke.


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