What can hemp oil be used for?

Most people assume that hemp is the same as marijuana is smoked for drug use. The fact is that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive substance in marijuana) is less than 1% in the hemp factory and the current legal standard for cultivation in Canada and Europe is 0.3%.

These THC levels are so low that you would have to smoke a hemp bushel to go up, in fact, you would probably die from smoke inhalation before having a buzz.

There is a growing movement to allow American hemp production in recent years. States like Vermont, Oregon, and North Dakota have laws that allow hemp cultivation. These states and an increasing number of people are beginning to see the personal and environmental benefits of hemp. For more information on hemp, you can visit Hemp Vision.

Hemp oil

Hemp is a wonderful plant. It can be used for the ecological manufacture of a variety of products such as; paper, fabrics, biofuels, biodegradable plastics, food, and oil.


But that's not the best part of hemp. It is truly one of the most durable plants. The plant has a very short growth cycle, so it can re-develop several times during the growing season. The plant can be grown with little or no pesticides.

Improves soil structure by replenishing the soil with nutrients. But hemp's most interesting advantage is the nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl site, where it was planted to clear radioactive toxins from the soil through the phytoremediation process.

Hemp is an amazing plant, its sustainability, health, productivity, and it can be an easy money culture for farmers to grow. Maybe it's time to look for hemp products to make our world a little greener.


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