Overlooked Benefits Of 3D printing

Not all products can be 3D printed. Nor should they be. Why? Because 3D printing will never rival the economies of scale found in mass-produced commodities.

That said, year on year, 3d modeling agency is becoming more capable. It can meet the needs of more applications more reliably. The opportunity now exists to simplify your supply chain by creating in-house 3D printed end-use and spare parts. 

Huge savings for simplified supply chains

It’s not uncommon for us to mention the ROI of 3D printing compared to outsourcing. What’s not so frequently mentioned are the hidden savings gained from supply chain simplification. Below are five examples of how 3D printing can generate even more returns on your investment:

Transport costs

If your business still runs the logistical gauntlet of producing and shipping spare or slow-moving parts from overseas, then there are some easy savings to be made. This research suggests that by installing a 3D printer in your warehouse for on-demand part manufacture, you could save up to 85% on shipping costs.

Storage and warehousing

By consolidating your slow-moving and excess inventory to free up warehouse space, the same research suggests you can save up to 17% on storage. And that’s not to mention the extra time saved by not having to check and rationalize that inventory cycle stock and safety stock. Plus, you can avoid any stockout costs because parts are printed to match demand.


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